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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Project Atlas - Part V

Update - 

The bulk of the modeling work is completed (Save the head), and I've started to experiment with another free 3D modeling program called MeshLab, as it allows me to clean seal any gaps in the 3D mesh that would cause 3D printing errors. 

I've decided to print it at 1/100 scale, so when finished it will stand at about 6 and a 1/2 inches tall. My goal is to have the modeling finished by the end of this month, and a prototype in hand by the end of the first week in March. 

That's alł for now, if you want to stay up to date with this project, hit that email subscription button to your right. 

See you, Space Cowboy ... 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Mechwarrior 5 - Confirmed!

It is however being developed by PGI, so take that with a grain of salt. 
News just dropped at MechCon 2016 that Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is slated to come out some time in 2018. To show off the new game, Pirahna Games posted a Pre-Alpha look at the game on YouTube, which can be found here ( ), on their new Website for it, they posted the below excerpt showing the setting of the game (Can be found here:

The year is 3015.

Humanity has expanded to the stars, colonizing a vast region of space known as the Inner Sphere. Where the Star League once ruled in relative stability, generations of countless wars, alliances, and betrayals have divided the Inner Sphere into five distinct Successor States. These states, also known as the Great Houses, have fought and quarreled for centuries over the remnants of the Star League and control of the Inner Sphere. They are now in the midst of a Third Succession War, one which has been raging for almost 150 years.

While the battlefields of the Inner Sphere burn with an array of devastating weaponry, none is more formidable than the BattleMech. These immense fighting machines, piloted by elite fighters known as MechWarriors, dominate the wars of the future with enough firepower to annihilate entire cities.

In MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries you will adopt the role of a rookie MechWarrior pilot thrust into combat as the Third Succession War continues to fracture the Inner Sphere. Take contracts from the factions of your choosing and engage in tactical, first-person, PvE ‘Mech combat through an immersive, career-based Mercenary campaign driven by player choice. Victory, prestige, and profit will not only require skill on the battlefield, but in the acquisition, maintenance, and enhancement of your BattleMechs.

Set for release in 2018, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is under development by a dedicated development team at Piranha Games. MechWarrior Online, Piranha’s existing F2P multiplayer-focused tactical ‘Mech combat game, will continue its ongoing live development by the MWO team at Piranha.

I for one am Very excited to here this news drop, perhaps overly so. Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is slated to come out 9 years after it's original announcement in 2009, where shortly after, legal action by the one and only, the monstrosity known as harmony gold (Notice the fact that I refuse to capitalized their name... cancelled the project, and we were left with Mechwarrior Online in it's wake. But, better late than never. 

PGI, you have one chance at this, for me, and for many other Mechwarrior/Battletech fans. Don't. Let. It. Slip. 

That is all. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Project Atlas - Project IV

Heya, thought I'd make a quick update post showing progress on Project Altas; I've started to work on the front torso assembly after restarting the project from the ground up. My ultimate goal is to have the 3D model completed by the 31st of December. 

If you'd like to follow this project as it progresses progressively, make sure to hit that subscribe button on the side of the page. 

I'll be back with another post, real soon. 

See you, space cowboy ... 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Project Atlas -PtIII


made some more progress headways into project atlas, where I have redrawn my pen and paper orthos in AutoCad in order to have a more precise look at things. All components may not be completely lined up with each other, but they are close enough to gain a general idea. 

Here's where I'm at with the orthos as of yet. Lookin' pretty sly eh? 
I also began the 3D modeling portion of the project, beginning with the back of the torso assembly, renderings done via Google Scetchup, for ease of production. (Not to mention being the easiest program to work with at my disposal... Seriously... I have no idea what I'm doing... LOL) 

I used the height of the current sculpt of the CBT Atlas, which is roughly 5.5 CM tall, making it roughly 56 feet tall in real life. I may change the height however, as the Atlas is a very stocky design, that is shorter than other mechs of it's tonnage, while the current sculpt is more lanky. I prefer the shorter, stockier look. 

That's all for now, and we'll catch you in the next one. If you're interested to see how this progresses, make sure to follow the blog using the box to the right. 

See you Space Cowboy ...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

RG GPo1 Over view

"For the Rebirth of the ideals of Zeon, and to ensure the success of operation Stardust... Solomon, I have returned!!" -Anavel Gato

Recently I finished my Real Grade Gundam GPo1 Zephranthes. 

Out of all the gunpla kits that I've built over the year and a half I've been into this side of the hobby, this is the best one. It's just that good. 

The kit has the gimmick of having a transformable core-block fighter like the RG Zeta Gundam, but it beats the Zeta in every regard. Bandai has taken what they've learned from the Zeta and streamlined it to perfection. Same gimmick, none of the hassle. 

The sculpt of this kit is also spot on, the proportions; everything. The kit combines angular surfaces with nice curves. Not to mention the head unit, it makes the kit look like the RX-78's meaner and tougher cousin. 

The GPo1 has all the articulation you would possibly need with a gunpla. 

In terms of the build quality, this kit is solid, even with the Core Fighter. I've heard of problems with the arms popping off at the inner shoulder joint, but I haven't seen this issue. 

Definitely a recommended buy. I may paint this in the future, but I may just end up semigloss coating it to protect the decals. Forsure it is an accurate portrayel of Kou Uraki's Mobile Suit. 

With that being said, make sure to hit that subscribe button to keep up to date with my rants, and we'll see you in the next one. 

See you Space Cowboy... 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Project atlas - Posability Pt.1

I was staring at one of my gunpla kits today and thought that I could create a 1/144 scale poseable figure of the Atlas to go with them, making use of the poly caps from a cheap High Grade kit in construction, as I already am going to be making a version of the Shimmering Sword atlas at 1/285 scale. (Refer back to the previous two posts) 

In case you haven't seen the orthos for the design, here are the scematics. 

Below are the constraints for the Atlas' poseability I'm going to be using. These angles are hard and fast, with little to no lee-way as I am modeling a walking tank, afterall. 

Hip/leg assembly-

Hip joint
45 degrees forwards, 15 degrees back, tilt left/right 15 degrees. 

Leg joints 
-90 degrees at knee. 

Ankle joint 
-15 to  20 degrees forwards, 10 degrees back. 
-Ankle tilt - 15 degrees to counter act the 15 degree tilt at the hip, left or right. 

Upper torso 

Torso joint
-45-90 degrees each way, right to left torso twist. (This may change... I have to do extra research for the proper torso twist amount.) 

Arm joint
-0 degrees at the shoulder, 15 degrees each way foward & back 
-90 degrees at elbow joint. (Gotta be able to recreate the pose seen in the Mechwarrior games)

As of this writing, this whole 1/144 scale Atlas project is all talk at the moment, but if things go as planned I hope to have a 1/285, Classic Battletech scale figure 3D modeled by mid December, with a prototype in hand by the end of January, to get the proportions correct for the large scale version.

After which I will begin modeling the 1/144 scale, poseable version, which will be a long, long way off. 

If you'd like to keep up to date with this project, make sure to hit that subscribe button on the right of the page. It'd help me out alot. 

See you space Cowboy... 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Battletech - 2nd Sword of Light Company

G'day folks, just got the final member of my House Kurita 1st Sword of Light company in a trade with a good friend, and I thought I'd shows them off. It's been a long project. With other commitments It's taken roughly two and a half years to get these guys all painted up. Now to get the company to grow to battalion size! 

I hope to increase speed of production from here on out however. 

Seen here: The newly completed company. This group of the Sword of Light is unusually on the heavy end of the spectrum. From right to left, first row to back. Shimmering Sword Marauder, Stalker II, MWO Jagermech, MWO Centurion, Jagermech, MWO Blackjack, MWO Centurion, MWO Shadowhawk, MWO Victor, Zeus X, MWO King Crab, and finally, the MWO Banshee. 

The crown jewel of the collection, a Shimmering Sword Marauder I got in the aforementioned trade. (Never thought I'd have the priviledge to own this particular rendition of marauder! And with a great paint job to boot!)

Over the coming months, I plan to add to this company, and make it more diverse in terms of weight classes than it currently is, and of course, I will add more official Battletech miniatures into the mix as well.

While having 3D prints of the MWO mechs for use as proxies is nice, I need to support the people that make the game, and ultimately my hobby, or obsession, rather, possible. Especially with the new Classic 'Mechs that Catalyst Game Labs is coming out with; hopefully sooner than later. 

To keep up with my rants and ramblings, make sure to hit that subscribe button on the right of the screen. It'd help me out alot. 

As always, I'll be back with another post, real soon. 

See you Space Cowboy ...